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on July 2, 2009 at 2:45:11 pm


For breaking news from the PIBA SIG

See our blog

Practitioner Issues in Behavior Analysis SIG blog

PIBA-SIG logo. 

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is presented on an "as is" basis, and does not claim to present definitive information, make recommendation or to represent any official policy or opinion of any official body or organization, such as the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Users of this site are urged to consult relevant organizations directly, to verify stated information, and agree that the owner of the site or authors of pages and articles are indemnified against legal liability


Our Mission

As applied behavior analysis forms into a profession it is logically developing interest and difficulties uniquely related to the practice of behavior analysis in the school system, mental health system, and developmental disabilities system. This SIG is dedicated to the establishment of behavior analysis as a unique clinical practice. We support federal, local and state initiatives including but not limited to the licensing of behavior analysis.


Who should become a member

All behavior analysts involved in clinical practice, organizational behavior management, or social services. Consumers and others interested in policy, legislation relevant to practice and licensure are also welcome.


Contact Information

PIBA-SIG Chairman

Joseph Cautilli, Ph.D, BCBA


Webmaster: Regina Claypool-Frey

Secretary, PIBA-SIG


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