DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is presented on an "as is" basis, and does not claim to present definitive information, make recommendation or to represent any official policy or opinion of any official body or organization, such as the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Users of this site are urged to consult relevant organizations directly, to verify stated information, and agree that the owner of the site or authors of pages and articles are indemnified against legal liability
This page is under construction--thanks for your patience!
1. If your state has legislation in progress for licensure of behavior analysts, please
Email us with state, number of the applicable bill, and a link to the legislative website,
and we'll add/update the information.
2. If your state recognizes BACB certificants for reimbursement under independent practice, please
Let us know what department, conditions and regulation (if you know).
MAP: Licensing of Behavior Analysts
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General references on professional licensure
Professional and occupational licensure in the United States : an annotated bibliography and professional resource
by Robert L Hollings; Christal Pike-Nase
Language: English Type: Book
Publisher: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1997.
ISBN: 0313304408 9780313304408 | OCLC: 37546889
Library holdings
and limited preview of the text and index
Something from a profession that is examining these kinds of questions, which gives some perspective on the kinds of issues
ASET--Representing the electroneurodiagnostic profession
White Paper on Occupational Regulation
Questions to consider if examining the question of licensure of a profession
"ABAI's Commitment to Licensing of Applied Behavior Analysts"
Michael Weinberg, Ph.D., BCBA
ABA-International Newsletter, volume 31, 3. 2008.
"At its recent meeting, the ABAI Executive Council approved in principle to move forward with the Practice Board’s proposal to pursue licensure for applied behavior analyst practitioners. The Practice Board and Council have carefully considered the future needs of the field and the profession, as well as the needs of the public for quality of services and protection and third party payment for behavior analysis services. The Licensure Committee of the Practice Board will be chaired by Michael Weinberg, Ph.D., BCBA. This Committee will begin by selecting members and will then begin work in collaboration with key individuals in the field, as well as other boards within the Association to formulate the educational and practice requirements that would be recommended for states to enact in licensure bills for applied behavior analysts and for the creation of applied behavior analyst licensure boards...."
Full article
Example of model licensing act(s) and bills
- (PIBA-SIG) Practioner Issues in Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group of ABA International
Suggested language
01/05/2008 12:32:44 PM -0600
DRAFT: Model Licensing Act for Behavior Analysts
Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc. ®
February 2009
Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA)
Adopted February 25, 2009
As part of the passage of the PA Autism Insurance Act (Act 62), there was a provision on the licensure of Behavioral Specialists. The goal of the licensure for Behavior Specialists is to effectively license and create networks of effective specialists who will be able to evaluate and implement treatment plans for children with autism.
Licensing requirements for Behavioral Specialists are outlined in Act 62:
Has received a master's or higher degree from a board-approved accredited college or university in a related field of study;
Has completed relevant educational and training programs, including but not limited to professional ethics, autism specific trainings, assessments training, crisis intervention, and family collaboration;
Has at least one year of experience involving functional behavior assessments;
And has completed at least 1000 hours in direct clinical experience with individuals with behavior challenges or at least 1000 hours experience in a related field with individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
Behaviorial Special FAQs
Text of HB 1150
The autism insurance bill defining the competencies and conditions of licensure for behavioral specialists.
Proposed Statutory Change to Expand Licensure of Behavioral
Health Professionals or Licensed Psychologists to Include
Board Certified Behavior Analysts
Text of AZ statute 32-2091-to 32-2091-13, related to regulation and licensure of Behavior Analysts.
|HB 2275 - text of the bill that was ultimately passed to approve licensure. This was the succeeding bill to HB 2470, which was vetoed by the Gov. on 6/6/08.
Memo dated 8/4/08 from Board of Psychologist Examiners re: Behavior Analysts
Current Bill in 2009 session: ARIZONA HB 2207
Removal of behavior analysts from Psychologist Examiner Board. Creation of separate Board with separate funding. Conditions for repeal of Behavior Analyst licensure if conditions not met by specified date(s).
2009 NEVADA AB 162 legislation to license those with BACB certification and those delivering direct implementation
Add text
2009 OKLAHOMA SB 135 legislation to license those with BACB certification
Note: Needs to be updated to reflect passage of SB 135; mirror bill of HB 2027
Floor Amendment/Floor substitute for HB 2027, House of Rep. OK, HB2027 FA3-A2 Steele 2/11/2009 7:59 pm, Steele, Sullivan and McDaniel
"An Act relating to autism; defining terms; providing for the licensing of certain persons; stating qualifications; providing for renewal; stating duties of licensee; prohibiting certain act; providing penalites; "etc.
Recent articles on Licensure and the BACB Certification
Background and Editorial on Licensing of Behavior Analysts
Cautilli, J., & Dziewolska, H. (2007). Editorial on behavior analytic licensure: General historical issues of why people oppose licensing and the common replies. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 4(1), 1-13.
Full text article. Accessed 2/16/2009.
Cautilli, J.D., & Weinberg, M. (2007a). Editorial: To license or not to license? That is the question: Or, if we make a profession, will they come?. The Behavior Analyst Today, 8(1), 1-8.
Full text article. Accessed 2/16/2009.
Cautilli, J.D., & Weinberg, M. (2007b). Editorial – Beholden to other professions.The Behavior Analyst Today, 8(2), 111-112.
Full text article. Accessed 2/16/2009.
Cautilli, J.D., & Weinberg, M. (2008). Licensure as a postmodern hero. The Behavior Analyst Today, 9(1), 1-3.
Full text article. Accessed 2/16/2009.
Dorsey, M.F., Weinberg, M., Zane, T., & Guidi, M.M. (2009). The case for licensure of applied behavior analysts. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 2(1), 53-58.
Link to journal-for-purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Licensing of Applied Behavior Analysts
ABA International Practice Board
Accessed 6/4/09
A Primer on Professional Credentialing:Introduction to Invited Commentaries on Licensing Behavior Analysts
Gina Green, Ph.D., BCBA, Association of Professional Behavior Analysts. & James M. Johnston, Ph.D., BCBA, Auburn University
Accessed 6/6/09
Published final version as
Green, G., & Johnston, J.M. (2009a). A primer on professional credentialing: Introduction to invited commentaries on licensing behavior analysts. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 2(1), 51-52. Link to journal-for-purchase.
Licensing Behavior Analysts: Risks and Alternatives
Gina Green, Ph.D., BCBA, Association of Professional Behavior Analysts. & James M. Johnston, Ph.D., BCBA, Auburn University
Accessed 6/6/09
Published final version as
Green, G., & Johnston, J.M. (2009b). Licensing behavior analysts: Risks and alternatives. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 2(1), 59-64. Link to journal-for-purchase.
Hassert, D., Kelly, A., Pritchard, J., & Cautilli, J. (2008). The licensing of behavior analysis: Protecting the profession and the public. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavioral Intervention. 5(2), 8-19.
Full text article. Accessed 2/16/2009.
Mattaini, M.A. (2008). Editorial: Licensing behavior analysts. Behavior and Social Issues, 17(2), 115-118.
Full text article. Accessed 3/25/09
Shook, G.L. (2005). An examination of the integrity and future of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board credentials. Behavior Modification, 29, 562-572.
ABSTRACT only. Requires subscription or purchase for full text.
Shook, G.L., Ala'i-Rosales, S., & Glenn, S.S. (2002). Training and certifying behavior analysts. Behavior Modification, 26,27-48.
ABSTRACT only. Requires subscription or purchase for full text.
State recognition of BACB certificants
If your state recognizes BACB certificants for reimbursement under independent practice,
please Let us know what department, conditions and regulation (if you know).
"...the BCBA certification is currently recognized and services are reimbursed in only a few states (for example, Alabama, California, and Florida). Specific services for children with autism, particularly in home services, are also being reimbursed in Minnesota, Maryland, and Connecticut, although other states are working on it as well. We are developing mechanisms to coordinate information on certificate recognition and funding sources between various state and country behavior analysis organizations. In addition, we plan to develop and support training efforts directed toward strategies these organizations might employ to increase credential recognition in their areas..."
Volume 29,2006,Number 2
The Professional Affairs Board
By Dr. Thomas Zane
Professional Affairs Board Coordinator
BILL SP 226, LD 611: 2009 MAINE - to provide reimbursement via MaineCare to Board-Certified Behavior Analysts
SP 226, LD 611
"An Act To Provide Reimbursement in the MaineCare Program for Board-certified Behavior Analysts"
ILLINOIS: BCBAs in schools (House Bill 4987)Enrolled as Public Act: 094-0948; Effective 1/1/2007
Defines “Behavior Analyst” as a person certified by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board; and adds “Behavior Analyst” to that list of persons defined
INDIANA PL 43--Related HB1288 WAS Establishes licensing board for behavior analysts; NOW codifies BACB competencies.
Indiana House Bill 1288
Behavior analysts. Provides that an individual commits a Class B
misdemeanor if the individual professes to be a certified behavior
analyst and the individual does not hold and maintain the certified
behavior analyst credentials administered by the Behavior Analyst
Certification Board, Inc.
Citations Affected: IC 25-41.
03/10/2008 H Signed by the Governor
04/04/2008 H Public Law 43
04/04/2008 H Effective 07/01/2009
"Inside HB 1288: Certified Behavior Analyst" blogspot
VIRGINIA (Medicaid waiver reimbursement)
Medicaid Memo dated 6/26/06
Effective date July 1, 2006
Accessed 2/26/08
"The purpose of this memorandum is to notify Medicaid providers of the changes in provider qualifications for Behavioral Therapeutic Consultation services for the Mental Retardation (MR) Waiver. The same provider qualifications will apply to the Individual and Family Developmental Disabilities Support (IFDDS) Waiver when the final regulations are effective fall 2006.
All providers enrolling as new Medicaid providers of behavioral therapeutic consultation on or
after July 1, 2006, must possess one of the following:
A Virginia license as a psychologist, psychiatrist, professional counselor, clinical social worker, or psychiatric clinical nurse specialist; OR
a certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) or Board Certified Associate Behavior Analyst (BCABA); OR
an endorsement as a Positive Behavioral Supports Facilitator issued by the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. Scholarships for this program are available from the Partnership for People with Disabilities. See contact information below.
This will allow the provision of two additional modalities of therapeutic consultation – Positive Behavioral Supports (PBS) and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) – to be billed as Medicaid MR Waiver services.
For information concerning Final Regulations, see Information Page.
Symbol Key
Roman type indicates existing text of regulations. Italic type indicates new text. Language which has been stricken indicates
text to be deleted. Bracketed language indicates a change from the proposed text of the regulation.
Title of Regulation: 12 VAC 30-120. Waivered Services (amending 12 VAC 30-120-700, 12 VAC 30-120-710, and 12 VAC 30-120-720).
Statutory Authority: §§ 32.1-324 and 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: October 1, 2003.
Agency Contact: Diane Thorpe, Director, Division of LTC, Department of Medical Assistance Services, 600 E. Broad Street, Suite 1300, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 371-8490, FAX (804) 786-1680 or e-mail
End of quote
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